Interferometry: a direct die level characterization technique

Conference: ICPT 2012 - International Conference on Planarization / CMP Technology
10/15/2012 - 10/17/2012 at Grenoble, France

Proceedings: ICPT 2012

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Dettoni, F.; Morand, Y.; Gaillard, S.; Hinsinger, O.; Rivoire, M. (STMicroelectronics, 850 rue Jean Monnet, 38926 Crolles, France)
Beitia, C.; Euvrard, C.; Balan, V.; Bertin, F. (CEA-Leti-MINATEC, 17, rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France)
Peak, J. (Nanometrics Inc., 2925 NW Aloclek Dr, Suite 110, Hillsboro, OR 97124, USA)

This paper studies the measurement capabilities of interferometric microscopy post CMP processes at die level (˜ 1cm2). Such metrology is presently missing in the semiconductor industry. The study addresses different problems linked to interferometric imaging at die’s scale, as wafer signature, stitching or accuracy. Methodology is proposed, detailed and discussed. The impact of stage’s vacuum is observed and quantified. Choice of cylinder and tilt levelling is justified; stitching effects are also investigated. To finalise local and global correlations with reference techniques are performed. Keywords: Chemical Mechanical Planarization, Interferometry, Characterization, Die-level, Intra die-level