Cortical columns for quick brains

Conference: NDES 2012 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
07/11/2012 - 07/13/2012 at Wolfenbüttel, Germany

Proceedings: NDES 2012

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Stoop, Ruedi; Saase, Victor (Institute of Neuroinformatics, University and ETH Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland)
Stoop, Ralph (Institute of Physics, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland)
Stoop, Britta (Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Berne, 3000 Bern, Switzerland)

Recent claims state that a wiring scheme as in the columnar cortical template will boost the computations performed by neural networks. We use rewiring of neural networks performing real-world cognitive tasks to study the validity of this argument. In a vast parameter and model survey we detect no indication of the proposed effect. It is on the mesoscopic, inter-columnar, scale that the existence of columns - largely irrespective of their inner organization - enhances the cortical speed of information transfer and reduces the total wiring length required to bind the distributed columnar computations towards a spatio-temporally coherent computation.