Basic Analysis Tools of Spike-Trains in Chaotic Spiking Oscillators
Conference: NDES 2012 - Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems
07/11/2012 - 07/13/2012 at Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Proceedings: NDES 2012
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Yotsuji, Kazuki; Imai, Satoshi; Saito, Toshimichi (EE Dept., HOSEI University)
Mitsubori, Kunihiko (EE Dept., Takushoku University)
This paper studies three analysis tools of the spike-trains in chaotic spiking oscillators. The first one is the histogram of inter-spike intervals. It is convenient to extract basic information from spike-trains. The second one is the recurrence plot that has potential to extract information hidden in the spike-trains. The third one is the return map of the state variable. It is useful to analyze stability and bifurcation of spike-train generators. We apply these tools to a class of chaotic spiking oscillators and some typical phenomena are demonstrated.