A robust RFID inventory
Conference: Smart SysTech 2012 - European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies
06/12/2012 - 06/13/2012 at Osnabrück, Deutschland
Proceedings: Smart SysTech 2012
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Glouche, Yann; Couderc, Paul (INRIA, Unité de Recherche Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique, Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex, France)
Reading a set of RFID tags all at once is an important feature of the RFID technology for many applications. However, RFID inventory is not completely reliable as tags may be missed in unfavorable situations. In this paper, we propose an application level protocol based on an integrity checking mechanism supporting a reliable inventory process. The integrity information is self-contained in tag group and the protocol does not require any support from an external information system, enabling autonomous and standalone operation.