Carrier Injection in GaAsPN/GaPN Quantum Wells on Silicon
Conference: IPRM 2011 - 23th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
05/22/2011 - 05/26/2011 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: IPRM 2011
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Cornet, C.; Robert, C.; Thanh, T. Nguyen; Guo, W.; Bondi, A.; Létoublon, A.; Richard, S.; Burin, J.-P.; Perrin, M.; Jancu, J.-M.; Durand, O.; Even, J.; Loualiche, S.; Folliot, H.; Bertru, N.; Corre, A. Le (Université Européenne de Bretagne, INSA, FOTON, UMR 6082, 35708 Rennes, France)
Elias, G.; Ponchet, A. (CEMES, UPR CNRS 8011, 31055 Toulouse, France)
We report efficient carrier injection in GaAsPN/GaPN quantum wells grown on Si. Electroluminescence of GaAsPN/GaPN and GaAsP/GaP quantum wells is first presented. Nitrogen is found to induce large bandgap bowing in the bandstructure as well as spectacular enhancement of radiative quantum efficiency. Tight-binding bandstructure calculations are then presented which reveal N-induced large bandgap modification. N-localised levels are supposed to play significant role in carrier injection inside GaAsPN/GaPN quantum wells while disorder alloying effects also participate to the achievement of such a high quantum efficiency. GaAsP/GaP and GaAsPN/GaPN quantum wells are finally grown on Silicon substrate, very near the GaP/Si interface. High resolution transmision electron microscopy performed on GaAsP/GaP/Si quantum wells indicate good strain status, as well as GaP/Si interface originating defects. Photoluminescence is finally detected at 810 nm up to 230K on silicon substrate from GaAsPN/GaPN quantum wells. This is explained by both a better carrier injection efficiency related to N-localized energy levels as well as a higher quantum efficiency than GaAsP/GaP/Si quantum wells.