A Cost-Efficient Implementation of a Bluetooth Indoor Localization System

Conference: Mobilkommunikation 2011 - Technologien und Anwendungen - 16. ITG-Fachtagung
05/18/2011 - 05/19/2011 at Osnabrück, Deutschland

Proceedings: Mobilkommunikation 2011

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Schneider, Jörg; Weinreich, Jeremias; Mannweiler, Christian; Klein, Andreas; Schotten, Hans D. (Institut für Funkkommunikation und Navigation, TU Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany)

Indoor localization has become an objective for industry and research purposes. Solutions using different radio (e.g. RFID, Bluetooth, WLAN) or optical technologies (e.g. infra-red) have been introduced in several papers. Most of these systems are based on trilateration or fingerprinting and need additional expensive hardware or measurements in advance. Both aspects make such systems difficult and expensive. To take care of these issues, we introduce a low cost Bluetooth (BT) Indoor Localization System and show first results with regards to accuracy. Therefore, we developed a USB host controller to drive a cheap USB Bluetooth dongle. Our developed host consists of an Atmel ATMega microcontroller and a Cypress USB host chip. For ensuring a low cost implementation, our system is based on trilateration to avoid measurements in advance. Finally, we evaluate the results and introduce concepts for improving accuracy.