Applying a Discounted Cost Model and a Time-Dependent Demand Model to Access Network Cost Evaluation
Conference: CTTE 2011 - 10th Conference of Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics
05/16/2011 - 05/18/2011 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: CTTE 2011
Pages: 10Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hülsermann, Ralf; Gladisch, Andreas (Deutsche Telekom AG, Laboratories, Berlin, Germany)
Klähne, Roman; Wessäly, Roland (atesio GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
In this paper several models for describing the time dependence of different input parameters to be considered in the planning process of access/aggregation networks are described. Based on these models a discounted cost model is developed which can be used for network cost optimization with long-term perspective. A cost evaluation case study assuming a realistic network scenario is presented. The results of this case study show that the costs of the aggregation network over time are significant due to periodic capacity upgrades and that they can be reduced when decreasing the number of access sites. Moreover the analysis of total costs over time assuming a GPON based fiber access network shows clear cost advantages for a scenario with a consolidated number of access sites compared to continuing with the network structure from the copper era.