Multilayer Nano-Imprint-Lithography Mold Fabrication Process
Conference: Mikro-Nano-Integration - 3. GMM-Workshop
03/03/2011 - 03/04/2011 at Stuttgart, Deutschland
Proceedings: Mikro-Nano-Integration
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Finn, A.; Jahn, A.; Künzelmann, U.; He, J.; Fischer, W.-J. (Institute for Semiconductor and Microsystems Technology, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany)
Kirchner, R.; Fischer, W.-J. (Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS, Dresden, Germany)
Waegner, M. (Institute for Solid-State Electronics, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany)
Nano-Imprint-Lithography (NIL) is a versatile patterning technology which offers diffraction unlimited resolution in combination with high throughput, large area structuring capability and moderate costs. NIL can thereby not only be used for lithographic applications but also for the direct pattering of functional materials. In this paper, we present a simple production process for silicon imprint molds with more than one height level. Standard 365 nm contact and nanosphere lithography have been successfully applied to the fabrication process. Patterns with aspect ratios over 3:1 and sub 100 nm resolution could be obtained. Imprints could be performed in UV-curing materials where the structures on the silicon mold could be effectively transferred. With the application of multi-level imprint-molds, the fabrication of all integrated functional optical or micro-fluidic elements becomes possible while the fabrication effort remains low.