Power Electronic Architectures for Electric Vehicles
Conference: VDE-Kongress 2010 - E-Mobility: Technologien - Infrastruktur - Märkte
11/08/2010 - 11/09/2010 at Leipzig, Deutschland
Proceedings: VDE-Kongress 2010
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hoek, Hauke van; Boesing, Matthias; Treek, Daniel van; Schoenen, Timo; Doncker, Rik W. De (Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
With the aim to asses power electronic architectures for electric vehicles, modeling of power electronics is discussed in this paper. Drive train topologies are introduced, the investigated power electronic components are described, and the modeling process is discussed. On the basis of an example scenario, selected simulation results are presented.