Digital Dividend: Potentials and Limitations of Mobile Broadband Access
Conference: Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland - 4. ITG-Fachkonferenz
03/17/2010 - 03/18/2010 at Berlin
Proceedings: Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland
Pages: 5Language: germanTyp: PDF
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Lüders, Helge; Vary, Peter (Institute of Communication Systems and Data Processing, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
This work highlights potentials and limitations of current and future mobile radio systems for area-wide mobile broadband access. The focus is on the current Release 8 of the UMTS LTE mobile radio standard implemented as single-antenna system. It is shown that, for the given parameters, user peak rates between 2.8Mbit/s at the cell edge and approx. 80Mbit/s near the base station can be achieved by single users utilizing 20MHz frequency bandwidth. The average cell goodput of an arbitrary number of uniformly distributed users in a radio cell reaches up to 39Mbit/s. These figures scale linearly with the available frequency bandwidth and can be increased using multiple-antenna systems and intelligent interference management algorithms. With the derived bounds it is shown that theoretical capacity achieving 4x4 multiple-antenna systems with ideal interference cancellation could achieve an average cell goodput > 1Gbit/s.