MOS-Gated GTO: a new functionally integrated device suitable for high voltage power applications

Conference: CIPS 2010 - 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/16/2010 - 03/18/2010 at Nuremberg, Germany

Proceedings: CIPS 2010

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Ronsisvalle, C.; Enea, V. (ST Microelectronics, Stradale Primosole, 50, Catania, Italy)
Abbate, C.; Busatto, G.; Sanseverino, A. (DAEIMI, University of Cassino,Via Di Biasio, 43, Cassino, Italy)

The aim of this paper is to present the performances of the fully integrated MOS-Gated GTO: a new power device well suited to be applied in the field of high blocking voltages. We start from the characteristics of a fabricated 1.2kV device used to tune the simulator, and we extend the analysis up to 4.5kV blocking voltage. Simulation results are used to understand in detail the physical operations of the device at high values of the blocking voltage and how they compare to the homologous IGBTs. The effects of the lifetime variation are also presented and the trade-off between static and dynamic performances are discussed in detail.