Normally-On SiC JFETs in Power Converters: Gate Driver and Safe Operation
Conference: CIPS 2010 - 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/16/2010 - 03/18/2010 at Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: CIPS 2010
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Bergogne, Dominique; Risaletto, Damien; Dubois, Fabien; Hammoud, Asif; Morel, Hervé; Bevilacqua, Pascal; Allard, Bruno (Laboratoire Ampère, Université de Lyon, France)
Berry, Olivier; Meibody-Tabar, Farid; Raël, Stéphane (Laboratoire GREEN, Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France)
Meuret, Régis; Dhokkar, Sonia (Hispano-Suiza, SAFRAN group, Moissy Cramayel, France)
In this paper, the authors propose a solution to provide self protection in a normally-On JFET voltage fed inverter. The solution is a plug-in to an existing Gate driver. An overview of JFET Gate driving serves as an introduction to the problem of self protection of inverters using Normally-On devices.