SiC BJT Driver applied to a 2 kW Inverter : performances and limitations

Conference: CIPS 2010 - 6th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems
03/16/2010 - 03/18/2010 at Nuremberg, Germany

Proceedings: CIPS 2010

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Tournier, Dominique; Bevilacqua, Pascal; Brosselard, Pierre; Planson, Dominique; Allard, Bruno (Université de Lyon, CNRS, Laboratoire Ampère, INSA-Lyon, Ampere, UMR 5005, 69621, France)

The control of a SiC bipolar transistor may look like the control of its Si counterpart, but not quite in fact. This paper presents a discrete base driver for a SiC bipolar transistor and validates its performances in ambient temperature while the SiC BJT is operated at high temperature. Performances and limitations of a 2 kW SiC-BJT based inverter are investigated.