Broadband Single-Pole Multithrow RF-MEMS Switches for Ka-Band
Conference: GeMiC 2009 - German Microwave Conference
03/16/2009 - 03/18/2009 at München, Germany
Proceedings: GeMiC 2009
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Stehle, A.; Ziegler, V.; Schoenlinner, B.; Prechtel, U. (EADS Innovation Works, Dept: Sensors, Electronics and System Integration, 81663 Munich, Germany)
Georgiev, G. (Brunel GmbH, 85622 Feldkirchen, Germany)
Schmid, U. (Vienna University of Technology, Department for Microsystems Technology, Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, A-1040 Vienna, Austria)
Seidel, H. (Saarland University, Chair of Micromechanics, Microfluidics/Microactuators, 66041 Saarbrücken, Germany)
This paper presents the design, fabrication and RF-characterization of SP3T, SP4T and SP6T RF-MEMS switches. All devices are fabricated on a 200 µm thin silicon substrate. The insertion loss of the SP3T is almost constant from 18 - 40 GHz with a value better than -0.5 dB. The SP4T and SP6T show an insertion loss better than -0.9 dB from 18 - 40 GHz. The isolation is better than -17 dB for all switches in almost all switching states from 18 – 40GHz. Furthermore, an on-wafer absorbing structure, acting as a quasi 50 Ω match is shown, exhibiting a return loss of better than -10 dB for frequencies above 20 GHz.