Radiophysical Methods of Inspection in Gas- Production Industry
Conference: GeMiC 2009 - German Microwave Conference
03/16/2009 - 03/18/2009 at München, Germany
Proceedings: GeMiC 2009
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Krivenko, E. V.; Lutsenko, V. I.; Kabanov, V. A. (Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine)
Carried out the analysis of the up-to-date state and prospects of application of radio physical methods for detection control of a component composition of natural gas, detection of its leakages on industrial platforms and main gas pipelines. The possibility of use of the offered approaches for the solution of problems of ecological monitoring is considered. The experimental results are given.