Drehzahlelastisches Antriebssystem mit begrenztem Drehzahlstellbereich zur aktiven Dämpfung von Lastspitzen bei Zerkleinerungsprozessen
Conference: Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme - Innovationen - Trends - Mechatronik / 3. VDE/VDI-Tagung
09/23/2008 - 09/24/2008 at Böblingen
Proceedings: Elektrisch-mechanische Antriebssysteme
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Sourkounis, C. (Arbeitsgruppe für Energiesystemtechnik und Leistungsmechatronik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Universitätsstraße 150)
Comminuting processes, which provide the required mechanical power for the process cause stochastical loads with high amplitudes in the electromechanical drive train. In the long run, peak loads causes premature material fatigue of the drive components alongside high thermal loads in the asynchronous machine. A new drive train with high restricted speed control range and a novel non-linear speed control was developed based on the operating performance of commercial comminuting units. The non-linear speed control realises a rotational speed-flexible operation so that the rotating masses’ kinetic energy is used to smooth the load peaks from the process. In this way it was possible to reduce the cumulative load in the drive train, achieving high process performance.