The European Network of Excellence ACE: A model for integration of antenna research activities in Europe

Conference: INICA 2007 - International ITG-Conference on Antennas
03/28/2007 - 03/30/2007 at Munich, Germany

Proceedings: INICA 2007

Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Mosig, Juan R. (LEMA-EPFL, Station 11, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland)

In this communication, the European (FP6) Network of Excellence ACE (Antenna Center of Excellence) is presented. The main achievements are discussed both at the level of Joint Research & Δ Research Activities, centered on specific research topics (vertical activities ) and at the level of horizontal activities, which are intended to structure and to integrate European research and to provide efficient training, education, dissemination and transfer of results.