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IEC/IEEE 63184:2025

Assessment methods of the human exposure to electric and magnetic fields from wireless power transfer systems – Models, instrumentation, measurement and computational methods and procedures (frequency range of 3 kHz to 30 MHz)

Circulation Date: 2025-02
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN-FR - bilingual english/french
Seitenzahl: 300 VDE Artno.: 254856


IEC/IEEE 63184:2025 specifies methods to assess human exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by stationary wireless power transfer (WPT) in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR), internal electric fields[1] or current density, and contact currents. The frequency range covered by this document is from 3 kHz to 30 MHz. This document focuses on exposures from inductive WPT systems and specifies:
general compliance assessment procedures; measurement methods; computational assessment methods and assessment combining measurement and computational methods.
This document does not consider the immunity of cardiac implantable electrical devices to radiated disturbances from WPT systems.
This first edition of IEC/IEEE 63184 cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC PAS 63184 published in 2021. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) lower frequency bound changed from 1 kHz to 3 kHz;
b) clarified contact currents as indirect effects in assessment procedures;
c) in measurement methods applied the formulas of SAR and internal electric field;
d) in computational assessment methods added specifications for averaging of current density and internal E-field;
e) updated uncertainty of computational methods;
f) introduced test reporting contents guidance.