IEC TS 63336:2024
Commissioning of VSC HVDC systems
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 61 VDE Artno.: 253128
IEC TS 63336:2024, which is a technical specification, applies to the commissioning of voltage-sourced converter (VSC) high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems which consist of two converter stations and the connecting HVDC transmission line.
The tests are generally applied to all HVDC configurations and could require addition or deletion to match the given solution.
This document provides guidance on the planning of commissioning activities. The commissioning described in this document is implemented through on-site testing on the whole system functionality, including testing on the subsystem and system. This document provides the scope, procedures and acceptance criteria of the tests.
Factory system tests, on-site equipment tests, electrode tests, and trial operation are not included in this document.