IEC PAS 63503-3-30:2023
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connector optical interfaces for multi-core fibre - Part 3-30: Connector parameters of standard outer diameter 4-core physically contacting fibres - Non-angled 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia ferrules
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 11 VDE Artno.: 252281
IEC PAS 63503-3-30:2023 defines the dimensional limits of the optical interface for 125 µm outer diameter 4-core physically contacting fibre optic connectors with 2,5 mm or 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical zirconia (ZrO2) ferrules to ensure reliable interconnection and intermateability.
Ferrules made from the material specified in this document are suitable for use in all the operating service environments defined in IEC 61753-1.
Ferrule dimensions and features are contained in the IEC 61754 series of fibre optic connector interface standards.