IEC TR 61850-90-6:2018
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 90-6: Use of IEC 61850 for Distribution Automation Systems
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 298 VDE Artno.: 225932
IEC TR 61850-90-6:2018, which is a technical report, provides basic aspects that need to be considered when using IEC 61850 for information exchange between systems and components to support Distribution Automation applications, within MV network automation, as presented in Annex B.
The contents of Distribution Automation (DA) vary between different countries, regions, even between different utilities in the same country. DA may cover HV/MV substations, MV networks, LV networks, distributed energy resources, as well as demand sides. In particular, this document:
• defines use cases for typical DA applications that require information exchange between two or more components/systems
• provides modelling of components commonly used in DA applications
• proposes new logical nodes and the extensions to the existing logical nodes that can be used in typical DA applications.
• provides guidelines for the communication architecture and services to be used in DA applications
• provides configuration methods for IEDs to be used in DA systems.
NOTE - The corrigendum 1 of January 2020 is available in the ZIP file.