IEC TS 61463:2016
Bushings - Seismic qualification
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 40 VDE Artno.: 223686
IEC TS 61463:2016(E), which is a Technical Specification, is applicable to alternating current and direct current bushings for highest voltages above 52 kV (or with resonance frequencies placed inside the seismic response spectrum), mounted on transformers, other apparatus or buildings. For bushings with highest voltages less than or equal to 52 kV (or with resonance frequencies placed outside from the seismic response spectrum), due to their characteristics, seismic qualification is not used as far as construction practice and seismic construction practice comply with the state of the art. This document presents acceptable seismic qualification methods and requirements to demonstrate that a bushing can maintain its mechanical properties, insulate and carry current during and after an earthquake. The seismic qualification of a bushing is only performed upon request.