Cover IEC 61987-21:2015

IEC 61987-21:2015

Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 21: List of Properties (LOP) of automated valves for electronic data exchange - Generic structures

Circulation Date: 2015-09
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN-FR - bilingual english/french
Seitenzahl: 68 VDE Artno.: 222127


IEC 61987-21:2015 provides a characterization for the integration of automated valves, including control valves, automated on/off-valves and process regulators, in the Common Data Dictionary (CDD); generic structures in conformance with IEC 61987-10 for Operating Lists of Properties (OLOPs) and Device Lists of Properties (DLOPs) of final control elements.