Cover ISO/IEC 29167-17:2015

ISO/IEC 29167-17:2015

Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Part 17: Crypto suite cryptoGPS security services for air interface communications

Circulation Date: 2015-06
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 39 VDE Artno.: 221850


ISO/IEC 29167-17:2015 defines the cryptoGPS cryptographic suite for the ISO/IEC 18000 air interfaces standards for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. Its purpose is to provide a common crypto suite for security for RFID devices that might be referred by ISO committees for air interface standards and application standards.

ISO/IEC 29167-17:2015 defines a lightweight mechanism using asymmetric techniques and providing a unilateral authentication mechanism whose security is related to the difficulty of taking discrete logarithms on elliptic curves.