IEC 61189-2-721:2015
Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 2-721: Test methods for materials for interconnection structures - Measurement of relative permittivity and loss tangent for copper clad laminate at microwave frequency using a split post dielectric resonator
Circulation Date:
Language: EN-FR - bilingual english/french
Seitenzahl: 44 VDE Artno.: 221718
IEC 61189-2-721:2015 outlines a way to determine the relative permittivity and loss tangent (also called dielectric constant and dissipation factor) of copper clad laminates at microwave frequencies (from 1,1 GHz to 20 GHz) using a split post dielectric resonator (SPDR). IEC 61189-2-721:2015 is applicable to copper clad laminates and dielectric base materials.