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ISO/IEC TR 29181-2:2014

Information technology - Future Network - Problem statement and requirements - Part 2: Naming and addressing

Circulation Date: 2014-12
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 36 VDE Artno.: 221322


ISO/IEC TR 29181-2:2014 describes the general characteristics of Future Network naming and addressing schemes, including problem statements, requirements, design objectives, gap analysis, and development directions.

Problem Statements: The characteristics and problems of existing NAS in existing network will be discussed.

Technical Challenges: A list of major technical challenges to assure that the FN-NAS will be able to provide solid

Requirements: The general characteristics of Future Network are discussed and their impact on NAS design.

Gap analysis: Examines the gap between existing network NAS and future network performance expectations.

FN-NAS Standardization Plan, design objectives, gap analysis, development guidance, chronological scenarios for future network naming, and addressing guidance are described in detail.

Though ISO/IEC TR 29181-2:2014 mainly presents a list of up-to-date surveyed problems, requirements, and plausible techniques for Future Network, it does not mean that all of those would be applied to a single Future Network in common, since the naming and addressing scheme can be applied to the various networks, such as global networks, local networks, access networks, mobile networks, etc. If a specific Future Network is designed and implemented, some appropriate parts of ISO/IEC TR 29181 would be considered depending on its network usage and its characteristics.