IEC TR 62839-1:2014
Environmental declaration - Part 1: Wires, cables and accessory products - Specific rules
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 15 VDE Artno.: 221247
IEC TR 62839-1:2014(E) specifies the PSR (product specific rules) for wires and cables used for communication, data, control and command. This PSR covers the use, installation and end-of-life stages and provides methodological precisions to PEP/PCR writing for 'wires and cables and accessories products used for communication, data, control and command. PSR and general rules all together form the product category rules. Three categories of wires and cables are covered:
- communication and data wires and cables, which may have metal or optical fiber conductors;
- control and command wires and cables, which can have metal or fiber optical conductors;
- accessories.
This document only deals with the 'wires and cables' products. 'Accessories products are for further study. This document is primarily intended for:
- environment and/or product managers;
- LCA (life cycle assessment) experts in companies, in charge of PEP/PCR development;
- verifiers in charge of PEP/PCR conformity assessment in accordance with the defined rules.