Cover ISO/IEC 15444-14:2013

ISO/IEC 15444-14:2013

Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system - Part 14: XML representation and reference

Circulation Date: 2013-07
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 86 VDE Artno.: 220089


ISO/IEC 15444-14:2012 specifies an XML document, referred to as JPXML, which is designed primarily for representing JPEG 2000 file format and marker segments in codestream, and referring method of internal data in a JPEG 2000 image.

It specifies

- JPXML conversion rules for general box file formats,

- JPXML conversion rules for JPEG 2000 family file formats and codestream segments, and

- a complete referring location path to address to an exact box or codestream data in an image.

And it provides

- guidance on processes for converting a source image data to an XML structural document, and

- guidance on how to implement these processes in practice.