Cover ISO/IEC 9797-3:2011

ISO/IEC 9797-3:2011

Information technology - Security techniques - Message Authentication Codes (MACs) - Part 3: Mechanisms using a universal hash-function

Circulation Date: 2011-11
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 25 VDE Artno.: 218384


ISO/IEC 9797-3:2011 specifies the following Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms that use a secret key and a universal hash-function with an n-bit result to calculate an m-bit MAC based on the block ciphers specified in ISO/IEC 18033-3 and the stream ciphers specified in ISO/IEC 18033-4:

  1. UMAC;
  2. Badger;
  3. Poly1305-AES;
  4. GMAC.