keine Vorschau

ISO/IEC 8881:1989

Information processing systems - Data communications - Use of the X.25 packet level protocol in local area networks

Circulation Date: 1989-11
Edition: 1.0
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 6 VDE Artno.: 215708

Deals with the use of the X.25 Packed Level Protocol (PLP) as defined in ISO 8280 operating over ISO 8802 Local Area Networks (LANs). The operation of the X.25/PLP using the Logical Link Control (LLC) Type 2 procedures is described in section 2. The operation of the X.25/PLP using the LLC Type 1 procedures is specified in section 3. To be used in compliance with the standards ISO 7498:1984; ISO 8208:1987; ISO 8208/Add. 1: ISO 8343/Add. 2:1988; ISO 8802-2; ISO 8878:1987; ISO/IEC/TR 10029:1989.