ISO/IEC 10021-8:1999
Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS) - Part 8: Electronic Data Interchange Messaging Service
Circulation Date:
Language: EN - english
Seitenzahl: 43 VDE Artno.: 214978
This part of ISO/IEC 10021 defines the overall system and service of EDI messaging.
Other aspects of message handling systems and services are defined in other parts of ISO/IEC 10021. The layout of
Standards | Recommendations defining the message handling system and services is shown in table 1 of ISO/IEC
10021-1 | ITU-T Recommendation X/F.400. The public services built on MHS, as well as access to and from the MHS
for public services are defined in the ITU-T's F.400-Series of Recommendations.
The technical aspects of MHS are defined in the multi part series numbered ISO/IEC 10021 and ITU-T's X.400-Series
of Recommendations. The overall system architecture of MHS is defined in ISO/IEC 10021-2 | ITU-T
Recommendation X.402. The technical aspects of EDI messaging are defined in ISO/IEC 10021-9 | ITU-T
Recommendation X.435.