IEC 62231:2006
Composite station post insulators for substations with a.c. voltages greater than 1 000 V up to 245 kV - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
Circulation Date:
Language: EN-FR - bilingual english/french
Seitenzahl: 71 VDE Artno.: 212701
This International Standard applies to composite station post insulators consisting of a load bearing cylindrical insulating solid core made of resin impregnated fibres, a housing (outside the insulating solid core) made of elastomer material (e.g. silicone or ethylene-propylene) and end fittings attached to the insulating core. Composite station post insulators covered by this standard are subjected to cantilever, torsion, tension and compression loads. They are intended for substations with a.c. voltages greater than 1 000 V up to 245 kV.