Maximizing Spectral Efficiency with Acceptable Service Provision in Multiple Antennas Scenarios

Konferenz: European Wireless 2012 - 18th European Wireless Conference 2012
18.04.2012 - 20.04.2012 in Poznan, Poland

Tagungsband: European Wireless 2012

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

Lima, F. Rafael M.; Bezerra, Níbia S.; Santos, Ricardo B. dos; Maciel, Tarcísio F.; Freitas, Walter da C. jr.; Cavalcanti, F. Rodrigo P. (Wireless Telecomunnications Research Group (GTEL), Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)

In this article we consider the problem of maximizing the total downlink data rate subject to minimum user satisfaction constraints in a multi-antenna, multi-resource and multi-service scenario. This problem is particularly interesting to current mobile operators that have to provide a wide range of data services with different rate requirements. We formulated the considered problem and show that it can be solved by standard linear integer optimization algorithms. Due to the high complexity of obtaining the optimum solution, we present a low complexity solution that, as shown in the simulation results, is capable of performing almost optimally in the considered scenario in terms of both outage rate and total downlink data rate performance metrics.