Transmit Impairments Influence on the Performance of MIMO Receivers and Precoders

Konferenz: European Wireless 2011 - Sustainable Wireless Technologies
27.04.2011 - 29.04.2011 in Vienna, Austria

Tagungsband: European Wireless 2011

Seiten: 8Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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González-Coma, José P.; Castro, Paula M.; Castedo, Luis (Department of Electronics and Systems, University of A Coruña, Campus de Elviña s/n, 15.071, A Coruña, Spain)

This work focuses on the impact of residual transmit impairments on the performance of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems with linear and non-linear receivers and precoders. We show that transmit noise significantly affects the performance of systems using precoding. Also, we show that non-linear MIMO receivers and precoders are more sensitive to transmit noise than their respective linear counterpart. Nevertheless, performance degradation can be noticeably alleviated if transmit noise is considered into filter optimization.