Trajectory Description Conception for Industrial Robots

Konferenz: ROBOTIK 2012 - 7th German Conference on Robotics
21.05.2012-22.05.2012 in Munich, Germany

Tagungsband: ROBOTIK 2012

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Alatartsev, Sergey; Ortmeier, Frank (Computer Systems in Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Güdemann, Matthias (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)

In this paper we observe the difficulties one can face, while wiling to obtain a complicated robot movement, like using multiple standalone or implemented in different MPLs (Motion Planning Library) algorithms. We propose a new conception and a language whose goal is to solve these problems. The idea is to present an interface between robot programming instruments and existing algorithms. In contrast to the existing related methods, we propose approach based on the declarative language (without control flow) for a trajectory specification. Our goal is to provide a powerful tool for developers of software approaches for industrial robots programming. It should allow them to obtain difficult motions by easy combination of different MPLs in one application using unified specification of the movement. In addition, the proposed conception hides the inner structure of libraries and eliminates the need to investigate algorithms before applying. That would increase the speed and the quality of the newly developed software systems.